Saturday, January 11, 2014

stay-at-home mom-hood.

being a stay-at-home mom is honestly better than i had even expected. obviously at less than a month in, the honeymoon period likely hasn't yet worn off. regardless, i feel confident that i'm right where i should be. there have been some rough days already, but even then there's nothing i would rather be doing.

here's a little glimpse into our daily routine:

6:30ish: i wake up, have a cup of coffee and read blogs or a devotion.
7ish: bennett wakes up (no nuk has meant early wake up time).
7-8: bennett has milk and we watch a show (mickey mouse clubhouse has been the favorite lately) and  read/play.
8: breakfast.

8:30: bennett gets dressed, i get ready for the day while ben plays.

9-12: various activities (usually involves leaving the house)- gym, errands, music class, play date, children's museum, etc.
12: lunch.
12:30-1: read/play.
1-3:30 or 4: nap. during this time i often take a little nap myself, read, prep dinner, clean up the kitchen, do a load of laundry or two, etc.

4-5:30: read/play and try to get dinner together. joe gets home typically sometime within this time frame and plays with ben while i finish making dinner.
5:30ish: dinner.
6-7: dishes, read/play, bath.
7: jammies and snuggle watching an episode of bubble guppies.

7:30: nighttime diaper, read a bible story, pray, night night.
7:30-9:30ish: joe and i typically catch up on the dvr, read, play on our iPads, etc.
9:30 or 10ish: i'm usually falling asleep so we head up to bed and watch an episode or so of friends in nick at nite (to which i usually fall asleep).

and that's our glamorous little life... intermixed of course with plenty of toddler meltdowns (primarily over putting on shoes and coat or having to leave wherever we are) and reminders to change our attitude (to which ben says "ahhh- too"). it's far from perfect, but i'm learning to find joy in the small things- giggles, snuggles, yelled out "y, zeeeeeee"s to help me finish singing the ABCs, etc. i'm also learning (though this is a much slower learning curve) to cut myself some slack and not define my "success" as a mom based on bennett's behavior on any given day. fortunately i have a husband who supports and encourages me on tough days and works hard to make this stay-at-home mom thing possible. i am blessed, and very grateful.

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