Thursday, December 27, 2012


i make new year's resolutions [almost] every year.  and (as you might guess from my first post) i follow through with them [almost] never.  but, alas, i keep making them.  there's just something about that "fresh start" feeling.  it's like when you're on a diet and you throw in the towel over the weekend with the justification that you'll start over on monday.  as if there's something magical about monday.  wait, you don't do that?  just me?  huh...

anyway, this year i've been thinking about my resolutions.  obviously the "lose weight" resolution stands.  after all, it's tradition.  at least this year i've gotten a head start... i've now officially lost all the baby weight, and i'm hoping to keep trending downward.  i've been doing weight watchers online since about six weeks after having bennett.  it's worked well for me- i can eat what i want within my points allowance, so i feel like i can have a normal life and don't have to only eat certain foods.  just call me jessica simpson.  oh wait, no, she's pregnant again.  DO NOT call me jessica simpson.  beyond that, i'm resolving to be more organized this year.  i'm kind of an anal freak about organization at work.  touch stuff on my desk, and you're on my list.  my very organized, task-specific, time-sensitive post-it list, to be specific.  but at home, it's another story.  i don't know why i have split personalities when it comes to organization at work and at home.  (thank goodness i work at a mental health clinic, right?)  but, this year, i resolve to be more organized at home.  it will alleviate some stress and make being home more relaxing.  in fact, i've already started; yesterday i bought a wrapping paper storage bin.  that's progress, my friends.  my third resolution is to get more "financially fit," in the words of dave ramsey.  joe and i have mostly been following the plan we started when we did financial peace university at church a couple of years ago, but we've definitely slacked as of late.  so, back to the envelope system and a latte-free life.

of course, i could come up with about 8,000 more resolutions (send more cards, wash my hair more regularly- ha, exercise at least once in the new year, blah blah blah), but i think i'll stick with those three for now.  bring it on, 2013.

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