baby: size of a kumquat. fingernails forming, peach fuzz growing on skin.
aversions: chocolate. hot coffee.
aches/pains: starting to feel better. still some nausea but not nearly as bad as it was before. tired. waking up a lot at night (mostly because i have to go to the bathroom!).
body: i've gained a couple pounds. i knew the bad eating habits would catch up to me sooner than later! now that i'm starting to feel better, i need to get back to eating a little healthier. i still haven't done a whole lot of grocery shopping since we've been in the new house, so i need to buckle down and get some good staples- especially fruits and veggies- and stuff to pack lunches for work. i've been eating out for lunch WAY too often lately!
last night i had a really scary dream that i miscarried. it was awful. i was really nervous about miscarrying early on in this pregnancy (not sure why...), but now i don't think about it very often. except subconsciously, apparently! yikes.
i don't even know where i've been this last week or so but i don't even have any pictures of ben to post. lame. plus, somehow in the move i have misplaced our camera battery charger. soooo, this is a picture-less post. i'm really excited to post some before and after pictures of the house, but that's tough to do with no camera. i'm hoping i can track that down tonight and post some house stuff in the next couple days.
anyway, bennett's doing well and seems to be continuing to adjust well to his new daycare. he has cried a few times when i've left, though, which is new for him. i think it's a combo of it still being a new place and him getting older (separation anxiety is pretty normal for this age). regardless, it's heartbreaking seeing him try to cling to me and cry when i leave. i hate it. on the upside, he LIGHTS up when i pick him up, which just makes my day. yesterday when i picked him up, he and all the kids were in the driveway playing with bubbles. i just sat and watched him for a couple minutes and he just looked like he was having a blast interacting with the other kids and waving the bubble wand around. when i went up to him, he got a huge smile on his face, walked over to me, and was excitedly tapping me with his bubble wand. another kid, who couldn't have been much older than 3, came up and said (very sternly), "bennett. that is not for fighting." it was adorable. kids are the best.