my best pal is officially two as of a few weeks ago.
wearing dada's "workin" shoes to go do some mowing
i broke down crying on his birthday at one point like the true sap i am. he was singing with his cute little voice in the car and i just started thinking about how fleeting time is. too soon until he's speaking (singing) more clearly and not into little kid songs, dancing with me, and laughing about "who's the stinkiest, mama or dada?" i always call him my little love muffin and when i ask him, "are you my best friend?" he responds, "no, i a fuffin."
bennett is still in a crib and will stay there, as far as i'm concerned, until he's in kindergarten. not really, but while hunter is still waking up in the night i would really rather not rock the boat with bennett's good sleeping if we don't need to. he typically goes to bed around 8:15pm and wakes up somewhere between 7-8am. he then takes a nap from about 1pm until 3:30-4pm (sometimes even later!). see why i don't want to mess with his sleep? although he's woken up crying in the middle of the night for the past couple nights... not sure what that's about but if he keeps doing that then maybe we will do the big boy bed sooner than later. we will see i guess!
joe and i love how polite bennett is and we are continually impressed by his use of "peas" (please), "fank you" (thank you), "bess you" (bless you), "a-cuse me" (excuse me), and "yelcome" (you're welcome). he also comes up with new things he's saying every day that surprise us and make us laugh like "of course," "it's awesome," and the latest "i be back."
watching sparky the seal at como zoo
bennett's favorite things to do are go to the park (he could swing for hours), look for "a-panes"and "ha-ca-coppers," play with bubbles, read books, and play or watch any sport there is. he recently watched toy story and now loves "cowboy" (and yelling "bee-haw!) and "buzz year." also, he's all of a sudden not afraid of water anymore and LOVES going swimming at the Y. it makes me so happy to see him enjoying the pool and not being so fearful.
favorite foods lately include hot dogs, mac n cheese, grapes, cheerios, french fries (fwa-fwies), applesauce (appa-ahhs), and of course ice cream (i-keem).
last but not least i truly think bennett's ultimate favorite thing is his brother hunter. he looooves hunter and gives him hugs and "mooches" all day long. he gets close to his face and says "hunter!" in a high-pitched voice and clicks his tongue at him, just like joe and i do. when he hears hunter fussing when waking up from a nap bennett gets excited and yells "hunter wake!" bennett is quick to tell me hunter needs a nuk when he's crying. it honestly amazes me every day watching bennett love on hunter and i am incredibly thankful for their bond and how much they love each other. hunter always smiles for bennett even when it seems like bennett is suffocating him with hugs and kisses.
this two year old has my heart.