hunter joseph wienke was born on march 28, 2014. it has been 11 days since then and i finally feel like i have my feet underneath me again- at least enough to write a post! so, here's his birth story:
on wednesday the 26th (my due date), i went in for my appointment. as you can tell from my last few posts, i was beyond done being pregnant. i was almost in tears talking to my OB about scheduling my next appointment for monday. she talked about possibly inducing me the following tuesday or wednesday if i hadn't had him by then. she stripped my membranes (holy OUCH, by the way) and sent me on my way with a prediction i wouldn't make it to the appointment on monday.
wednesday night i was having contractions that were about 5 minutes apart or so, but they weren't painful. considering that my labor with bennett was both long and painful, i figured it wasn't the real deal. the contractions stopped and i went to bed in a great mood. ha. just kidding- i'm not sure i had been in a good mood in weeks. just ask joe.
thursday morning bennett and i went to breakfast with a couple of my girlfriends. i started having contractions, this time much stronger, but they were only coming every 20-30 minutes, if that. that lasted all day but again stopped before i went to bed. i woke up at around 1:45am to go to the bathroom. i had been having a dream that i was having painful contractions but quickly realized that i actually was having painful contractions. i started timing them and they were about 5-7 minutes apart. i woke joe up and told him. he was honestly pretty crabby and not helpful at all when i asked if he thought we should call the doctor. (he later told me he just assumed it was another false alarm. nice, huh?) i decided to time the contractions for a full hour and then call if they stayed consistent. they did, so i called and she told me to come in.
i called my friend meghan who lives close by to see if she or her husband could just come over to be with bennett until my parents could get there. we called my parents and they got in their car to head to our house. mike arrived a few minutes later and we took off. side note: my car had been in the shop twice over the past two weeks for some wiring issue that they couldn't quite resolve. when we started my car to go to the hospital, wouldn't you know that all the same indicator lights lit right up? that really helped joe's mood...
we arrived at the hospital at about 3:30am and got checked in. the nurse checked and i was dilated to almost 5cm. joe and i high fived at that point, knowing we would be having a baby shortly. the nurse said she would get me checked into labor and delivery. i asked if the room had a tub to labor in. she said "no, it doesn't- did you not want an epidural?" i said i did and she said i could get it right away if i wanted. so obviously i said screw the tub, bring on the meds!
the epidural was the worst part of the whole deal. i have no memory of getting my epidural with bennett. i was so exhausted and in so much pain after 12+ hours of labor that i truly fell asleep while they were putting the epidural in. this time i was too aware of what they were doing and i got really grossed out by the whole thing. plus it hurt! but it was for sure worth it; i only had about 3 hours of painful labor before i got the epidural. much more manageable!
not long after i got the epidural (around 5am), my OB came in to see me. she said the baby's head was still kind of high due to the extra amniotic fluid i had. she didn't want to break my water with the baby's head so high because there would be a risk that the cord could come down and wrap around the baby's neck. she wanted to start pitocin and see if we could get the baby's head low so she could break my water without that risk. by 9am i was 9cm dilated and the baby's head was nice and low, so she broke my water. she told me to let the nurses know if i felt the urge to push.
at 9:35am, i began feeling like i needed to push. we had to wait a little bit so my OB could finish a delivery down the hall. she came in and got set. i pushed 2 times, and our sweet hunter joseph made his debut at 10:04am.
8lb 9oz (over a full pound bigger than his older brother!),19" long, and a nice loud cry (again, unlike his older brother who was fine but didn't cry when he was born).
we are overjoyed and completely in love with our sweet boy- the perfect addition to our little family. bennett has been absolutely amazing with hunter and we couldn't be more proud of him.
thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes!