last year we didn't even really "do" thanksgiving. bennett was 4 months old and didn't believe in naps longer than 20 minutes, i was fried from working full time and caring for a newborn, joe had been traveling quite a bit, and bennett came down with fifth's disease (a bad virus). the combination just about put me over the edge and i begged joe to let us just stay home for thanksgiving and recharge. he agreed and we spent the weekend at home. not an ounce of turkey in sight. and i was thankful.
now, i understand i sound like a huge scrooge. or whatever the thanksgiving version of a scrooge is. pilgrim? but thanksgiving has never had that magical holiday feeling for me. thanksgiving just feels like a pleasant obstacle you have to get past to get to christmas, the REAL holiday.
now that i'm a mom (to a child who now likes nice, long afternoon naps), i think i'm becoming more sentimental and thanksgiving is starting to mean a little more to me. i mean, how often do i really take the time to reflect on all the blessings in my life and how thankful i am for this life? not nearly often enough, that's for sure. i spend significantly more time worrying, nitpicking, and feeling frustrated about the everyday details than being thankful for the big picture.
"above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. and let the peace that comes from christ rule in your hearts. for as members of one body you are called to live in peace. and always be thankful. let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts." -colossians 3:14-16
i want to live a life of gratitude for the immeasurable blessings i've been given...
i have a wonderful, supportive, generous, fun family. we all have our quirks and get on each others' nerves at times, but we love each other and truly enjoy spending time together.
i have an amazing husband who loves and supports me unconditionally and works selflessly and joyfully to provide for our family. i'm thankful for his servant heart and his positive outlook on life even in the midst of hardship.
we have a precious, healthy, happy son who makes us laugh every single day. he's feisty and strong-willed, and while i let that frustrate me far too often, i'm thankful that he is just who he was made to be and love him for his determination and spunk.
we're expecting another sweet boy and my pregnancy has been relatively smooth sailing thus far. i'm thankful that God has blessed joe and i with the responsibility of parenthood and for equipping us with all we need to fulfill that responsibility and bring him glory through it.
i'm thankful for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home-mom shortly (12 days of work left!). i know this new job will come with many, many challenges, but i'm thankful that i'll be able to spend each day watching my kids grow and learn.
i'm thankful for our home. it's even more than i had hoped for when we started our home search, and i feel so blessed to have such a beautiful house in a wonderful neighborhood where we can raise our family.
happy thanksgiving, everyone. take time to be thankful today, and every day.