we spent wednesday through sunday last week in pawley's island, south carolina with my family. we had a great trip- it went by too fast!
we got up wednesday morning at 4am(!) to go to the airport. i wasn't sure how bennett would do waking up so early. but, minus bumping his head on his crib while excitedly trying to get up on his knees to see us (cue silent scream- if you have a baby you know what i'm talking about), he was a champ. he was so smiley and chatted happily all the way to the airport. we made it through security without any hiccups. well, actually, i had a minor, pre-coffee scuffle with the stroller (the *#$%* wheel wouldn't stay unlocked so it wouldn't turn). but overall i'd call it a success, especially once i made it through the starbucks line with my grande skinny vanilla latte in hand.
against our better judgment, we let him crawl around on the nasty airport floor between flights
(hello, antibacterial wipes!) |
bennett did better than i could've even hoped on both of the plane rides it took to get us down to myrtle beach. he played, laughed, flirted with some old ladies, ate LOTS of puffs and yogurt melts, and slept on my lap. i couldn't believe he fell asleep; it's been months since he slept in my arms. i loved it.
me looking like a hot mess- 4am and i don't get along |
once in myrtle beach, we got our bags and rental car. the idiots who work at u-save, now unaffectionately referred to as u-suck, rental car (i know, i know. next time i'll go with enterprise) wouldn't help us install the car seat ("we can't, you know, in case somethin' happens," said the guy who actually just didn't know how to install it and was too lazy to try), so joe almost had a "liz v. stroller" moment because the spanish directions and "educational" pictures were not exactly clear. after about 30 minutes, we finally had bennett in a secure(?) car seat and were on the road for our 35-40 minute drive to pawley's island.
on the drive we saw a mid-40's woman in her SUV (WITH her 12 year old sitting in the passenger seat, mind you) acting like a complete lunatic, antagonizing a car with 3 rough-looking teens (yep, i'm aware i sound like i'm hundred years old for describing them that way) in it. granted, they were flipping her off and screaming out their windows at her, but she was by far the less mature one in the encounter. she drove up on the side of them screaming and swearing at least twice that we saw, and laid on her horn for a full 30 seconds straight. her poor 12 year old kid is going to need some serious therapy. i should've tossed a family innovations brochure their way.
we hung out at the house for a bit and then went and got wings for dinner. after dinner joe and my dad took bennett home to put him to bed and my mom and i went to the grocery store. on thursday it was cold and rainy, so naturally my mom and i took the opportunity to go shopping all day, while joe, my dad, and bennett had a relaxing boys' day at the house.
i got some new spring clothes and cute jewelry and spent way too much money. don't tell dave ramsey. then we picked ryan and jeanie up from the airport and went back to the house. i made lasagna for dinner for everyone and then after bennett went to bed we played cards. up and down the river is NOT ryan's game :) but we had a lot of fun and laughed a ton.
friday, joe and my dad went golfing. it was still pretty chilly and overcast, but bennett, jeanie and i went for a nice, long walk around the island.
i napped with ben that afternoon and it was glorious. in case you don't already know, i am a huge fan of naps, but haven't had many since bennett was born. this trip, i took one almost every day. success. anyway, that night, joe made his "famous" burgers (seriously, SO good) and we had an up and down the river re-match. ryan did not fair much better the second night!
saturday the boys went deep-sea fishing in the morning and the girls (plus bennett) relaxed.
rocking and singing "wagon wheel" with auntie jeanie |
then we met in georgetown for lunch at big tuna. i had a shrimp po' boy, which i normally wouldn't order but you know, when in rome. it was actually really good. ben slept while we walked on the boardwalk and the whole ride home.
we nicknamed him indiana jones- so cute in that hat :) |
that afternoon, joe, bennett and i went on a long walk, which was one of my favorite parts of the trip :) that night, we went to the chive blossom cafe for dinner. we had been there last year for lunch and loved it. dinner was even better. they're famous for she-crab soup- YUM!
having a bottle with grammy |
papa and bennett |
we had our final rounds of up and down the river that night, and ryan did NOT finish last! my dad took that spot :)
sunday was finally really sunny and warm so we went to the beach. i accomplished my goal of getting fried (a goal i have now come to regret setting). the boys played frisbee, jeanie and my mom read, and i supervised bennett to try to stop him from eating his body weight in sand.
the trip home was slightly more stressful than the trip down. it started off rough because we forgot the diaper bag at the house and it was too far to go back and still get on our plane in time. fortunately i had a couple diapers and one small bottle's worth of formula in my purse (but no bottle). despite seriously lacking baby supplies, the plane ride from myrtle beach to charlotte went well. bennett slept most of the ride in joe's lap.

then in charlotte we ran around to all the shops, but none of them had a bottle. i then desperately approached a mom with a baby and asked to buy an extra bottle from her. she graciously gave it to me and wouldn't accept money. so at least bennett was able to drink a few ounces, though it was only half of what he normally has at bedtime. the last plane ride was a little rough. it didn't leave until 10pm and ben was just so overtired (and still kind of hungry) that he couldn't settle down. he'd fall asleep for a few minutes and then wake up disoriented and crying. then repeated that pattern several times. poor guy. but, we survived.
we made it home around 1:30am and then poor joe had to repack his bag and head back to the airport for his 5:30am flight to memphis for a training. despite the rough trip home and the lack of sleep, we had a great trip and loved all the time together.
back to reality!
thankful for my thoughtful coworker bringing me caribou on a sleep-deprived monday morning :) |
bennett thinks self-pics are VERY funny :) |
sending some love to dad in memphis! |